What can we help you with?

Connecting you with us



What can we help with?

You’ll be asked a few questions to help us understand your needs.


Our Approach

We adapt our approach to best meet the needs of each individual.


The Appointment

Schedule an appointment with any of our team.

"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination."

— CARL ROGERS, American Psychologist


+ Where are we?

We are located at 2-3a Orchard Road, Clondalkin Village.

+ What are your contact numbers?

You can call us on 085 1731182.

+ How much is the cost of your sessions?

Psychotherapy Session with fully qualified accredited therapist €70 Health insurance accepted

Psychotherapy Session with fully qualified preaccredited accredited therapist €60 Health Insurance not accepted

Play therapy €70-80

**Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) ** €70-80

Teen therapy €70-80

EMDR €100

Hypnotherapy €120

Supervision with Rachel Somers €100

Psychotherapy with Rachel Somers €100

+ How long is each session?

Each session is 50-60 minutes.

+ Do you take Medical Cards?

No, unfortunately we do not take medical cards.

+ Are my appointments covered by my Health Insurer?

Yes, if your therapist is accredited with IACP, IAHIP or ICP. You must specify this when arranging your first appointment and check before your primary session with your health insurer that your therapist is covered.

+ What are your opening hours?

Monday –Sunday 8am- 10pm.

+ How long will it take to get an appointment?

We schedule a consultation within 24 hours from your initial contact with us.

+ Can I ask for a male or female therapist?

Yes, we have a team of over 30 therapists, so you can choose to have a male or female therapist, if you wish.

+ What happens if I don’t bond with the therapist you allocate to me?

If for any reason you feel uncomfortable with the therapist that you were allocated to, call us and we can discuss a change of therapist.

+ How long does therapy take?

Its different for everyone. We ask you to come initially for 6-8 sessions and then discuss with your therapist continuing for more if needed. Ultimately the end of therapy is up to the individual. If you are experiencing the benefits then keep going until you feel as though you no longer need it.

Talk to us today.